
Level 1 Introduction to Intuitive Tarot

Using the classic Rider Waite Smith deck we will explore the basic principles of Tarot. Amanda will also teach techniques to open up and intuitively read for your client and for yourself.

 Course Contents;

 Understanding the subtle differences, meanings and symbols of the deck; Major Arcana, Court Cards and Minor Arcana

 Basic Spreads; 3 card reading, Celtic Cross, relationship readings

 Learn how to use the tarot as an everyday tool for yourself at home

 Developing your intuition, learning how to connect with your deck

 Learning how to connect with your clients energy and disconnecting

Learning basic protection techniques

 Learning how to connect with your guides while reading

 Amanda will be doing short demonstration readings

 All students will receive a tarot deck, cheatsheet and literature.

Level 2 Intuitive Tarot

This course consists of 2 full days and a 2 hr zoom class over 2 months which helps you to progress on your Tarot Journey.

This is course is certified and open to anyone who has completed the level 1 Intro to Intuitive tarot.

 Using the Rider Waite Smith Deck we will be taking a more in-depth look into the Tarot as a system of divination, analytically and intuitively. Amanda will also be teaching students how to read for each other, this course is designed to encourage people along the path of reading for friends and family with a view to reading professionally as a tarot reader or as part of your healing practice.

 Course Description (1st Day)

Combining the major, minor and court cards

Numerology in Tarot

Astrology in Tarot

Timing in Tarot

A basic overview of Archetypes in Tarot

6 month spread and Relationship spread

Students will be asked to read for each other.

Case studies to be completed by students over a 4 month period, with a 2hr zoom class 2 months in and returning on a 2nd full day to review and apply skills (through reading for each other again) learned over the previous months .

 Literature will be provided and Amanda will be available by email.